Elliott Hampton

Elliott Hampton
Elliott Hampton

Monday, July 4, 2011

Progress, slowly but surely

I have had requests from several of Elliott's fans to update the blog more frequently, even if it is just to say that he is stable or doing well.

While we can't quite categorize him as "stable," per se, he is where we want him to be at this point. He is becoming increasingly negative, in terms of fluid. This is a good thing. He is tolerating the latest vent changes, which lowered the pressure and tidal volume. This is very good. He has had to have the pacer turned back to 120 from 115 due to a drop in his heart rate, this is fine and within the realm of expected.

I'll post another update in a few hours. Thank you so much for keeping up with our little guy. He's pretty dang precious to us, and we are so fortunate that he is pretty dang precious to so many others, too! Thank you all!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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