Elliott Hampton

Elliott Hampton
Elliott Hampton

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cheeky theives!

I can only wonder what they were thinking.

Here are a few ideas:
"Oh how nice of Ronald McDonald House to leave this premium English chocolate bar in the freezer! I'll just take a corner, here. Oh that is so tasty. Uh-oh. It has a sticker! Well, maybe if I put the wrapper back, they won't notice."

Or maybe it went like this: "Yumyumyumyumyumyum. Haha! No one is looking. Yumyumyumyumyumyum."

Or like this:
"I want some chocolate. Oh look, here's some that's labeled. It is in a community fridge, and that woman does not need that entire chocolate bar. Lemme help her out and eat this corner."

Crisis or no crisis, people are punks sometimes. Ugh. Do I save it and eat it anyway? The RMH volunteer, who was present at the scene of the crime, suggested I amputate areas surrounding the missing portion and save the rest... Suggestions?

Oh and for those if you betting on our hospital bills, the 20 days in ICU, including all hospital fees from surgery, NOT INCLUDING PHYSICIAN FEES, is...... Wait for it....... Four hundred and forty thousand dollars. All I can say is that he is worth each and every cent.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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